Source code for

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
# Copyright (c) 2014-2023 William Edwards <>, Benjamin Bean <>
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from itertools import product
from math import atan2, pi
from typing import (

import pyscroll
from pytmx import pytmx
from pytmx.pytmx import TiledMap

from tuxemon import prepare
from tuxemon.compat.rect import ReadOnlyRect
from tuxemon.event import EventObject
from import scaled_image_loader
from tuxemon.locale import T
from tuxemon.math import Vector2, Vector3
from import round_to_divisible

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

RectTypeVar = TypeVar("RectTypeVar", bound=ReadOnlyRect)

Direction = Literal["up", "down", "left", "right"]
Orientation = Literal["horizontal", "vertical"]

RegionPropertiesOptional = TypedDict(
        "continue": Direction,
        "key": str,

[docs]class RegionProperties(RegionPropertiesOptional): enter: Sequence[Direction] exit: Sequence[Direction]
# direction => vector dirs3: Mapping[Direction, Vector3] = { "up": Vector3(0, -1, 0), "down": Vector3(0, 1, 0), "left": Vector3(-1, 0, 0), "right": Vector3(1, 0, 0), } dirs2: Mapping[Direction, Vector2] = { "up": Vector2(0, -1), "down": Vector2(0, 1), "left": Vector2(-1, 0), "right": Vector2(1, 0), } # just the first letter of the direction => vector short_dirs = {d[0]: dirs2[d] for d in dirs2} # complimentary directions pairs = {"up": "down", "down": "up", "left": "right", "right": "left"} # what directions entities can face facing = "front", "back", "left", "right"
[docs]def translate_short_path( path: str, position: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0), ) -> Generator[Tuple[int, int], None, None]: """ Translate condensed path strings into coordinate pairs. Uses a string of U D L R characters; Up Down Left Right. Passing a position will make the path relative to that point. Parameters: path: String of path directions; ie "uldr". position: Starting point of the path. Yields: Positions in the path. """ position_vec = Vector2(*position) for char in path.lower(): position_vec += short_dirs[char] yield (int(position_vec.x), int(position_vec.y))
[docs]def get_direction( base: Union[Vector2, Tuple[int, int]], target: Union[Vector2, Tuple[int, int]], ) -> Direction: y_offset = base[1] - target[1] x_offset = base[0] - target[0] # Is it further away vertically or horizontally? look_on_y_axis = abs(y_offset) >= abs(x_offset) if look_on_y_axis: return "up" if y_offset > 0 else "down" else: return "left" if x_offset > 0 else "right"
[docs]def proj(point: Vector3) -> Vector2: """ Project 3d coordinates to 2d. Not necessarily for use on a screen. Parameters: point: The 3d vector to project. Returns: 2d projection vector. """ return Vector2(point.x, point.y)
[docs]def tiles_inside_rect( rect: ReadOnlyRect, grid_size: Tuple[int, int], ) -> Generator[Tuple[int, int], None, None]: """ Iterate all tile positions within this rect. The positions will be changed from pixel/map coords to tile coords. Parameters: rect: Area to get tiles in. grid_size: Size of each tile. Yields: Tile positions inside the rect. """ # scan order is left->right, top->bottom for y, x in product( range(, rect.bottom, grid_size[1]), range(rect.left, rect.right, grid_size[0]), ): yield x // grid_size[0], y // grid_size[1]
[docs]def snap_interval(value: float, interval: int) -> int: value = round_to_divisible(value) if value == interval: return value - 1 return value
[docs]def snap_outer_point( point: Tuple[int, int], grid_size: Tuple[int, int], ) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Snap point to nearest grid intersection. * If point is rounded up, the coords are 1 less on each axis. Parameters: point: Point to snap. grid_size: Grid size. Returns: Snapped point. """ return ( snap_interval(point[0], grid_size[0]), snap_interval(point[1], grid_size[1]), )
[docs]def snap_point( point: Tuple[int, int], grid_size: Tuple[int, int], ) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Snap point to nearest grid intersection. Parameters: point: Point to snap. grid_size: Grid size. Returns: Snapped point. """ return ( round_to_divisible(point[0], grid_size[0]), round_to_divisible(point[1], grid_size[1]), )
[docs]def point_to_grid( point: Tuple[int, int], grid_size: Tuple[int, int], ) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Snap pixel coordinate to grid, then convert to tile coords. Parameters: point: Point to snap. grid_size: Grid size. Returns: Snapped point. """ point = snap_point(point, grid_size) return point[0] // grid_size[0], point[1] // grid_size[1]
[docs]def angle_of_points( point0: Tuple[int, int], point1: Tuple[int, int], ) -> float: """ Find angle between two points. Parameters: point0: First point. point1: Second point. Returns: Angle between the two points. """ ang = atan2(-(point1[1] - point0[1]), point1[0] - point1[0]) ang %= 2 * pi return ang
[docs]def snap_rect( rect: RectTypeVar, grid_size: Tuple[int, int], ) -> RectTypeVar: """ Align all vertices to the nearest point. Parameters: rect: Rect to snap. grid_size: Grid size. Returns: Snapped rect. """ left, top = snap_point(rect.topleft, grid_size) right, bottom = snap_point(rect.bottomright, grid_size) return type(rect)((left, top, right - left, bottom - top))
[docs]def orientation_by_angle(angle: float) -> Orientation: """Return "horizontal" or "vertical". Parameters: angle: Angle with the horizontal axis. Returns: Whether the orientation is horizontal or vertical. """ if angle == 3 / 2 * pi: return "vertical" elif angle == 0.0: return "horizontal" else: raise Exception("A collision line must be aligned to an axis")
[docs]def extract_region_properties( properties: Mapping[str, str], ) -> Optional[RegionProperties]: """ Given a dictionary from Tiled properties, return a dictionary suitable for collision detection. Uses `exit_to`, `enter_from`, and `continue` keys. Parameters: properties: Dictionary of data from Tiled for object, tile, etc. Returns: New dictionary for collision use. """ # this could use a rewrite or re-thinking... enters: List[Direction] = [] exits: List[Direction] = [] new_props: RegionProperties = { "enter": enters, "exit": exits, } has_movement_modifier = False for key in properties: if "enter" in key: enters.extend(properties[key].split()) has_movement_modifier = True elif "exit" in key: exits.extend(properties[key].split()) has_movement_modifier = True elif "continue" in key: new_props["continue"] = properties[key] has_movement_modifier = True elif "key" in key: new_props["key"] = properties[key] has_movement_modifier = True # if there is an exit, but no explicit enter, then # allow entering from all sides except the exit side if exits and not enters: new_props["enter"] = list({"up", "down", "left", "right"} - set(exits)) if has_movement_modifier: return new_props else: return None
[docs]class PathfindNode: """Used in path finding search.""" def __init__( self, value: Tuple[int, int], parent: Optional[PathfindNode] = None, ) -> None: self.parent = parent self.value = value if self.parent: self.depth: int = self.parent.depth + 1 else: self.depth = 0
[docs] def get_parent(self) -> Optional[PathfindNode]: return self.parent
[docs] def set_parent(self, parent: PathfindNode) -> None: self.parent = parent self.depth = parent.depth + 1
[docs] def get_value(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: return self.value
[docs] def get_depth(self) -> int: return self.depth
def __str__(self) -> str: s = str(self.value) if self.parent is not None: s += str(self.parent) return s
[docs]class TuxemonMap: """ Contains collisions geometry and events loaded from a file. Supports entity movement and pathfinding. """ def __init__( self, events: Sequence[EventObject], inits: Sequence[EventObject], interacts: Sequence[EventObject], surfable_map: Sequence[Tuple[int, int]], collision_map: MutableMapping[ Tuple[int, int], Optional[RegionProperties] ], collisions_lines_map: Set[Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Direction]], tiled_map: TiledMap, maps: dict, filename: str, ) -> None: """Constructor Collision lines Player can walk in tiles, but cannot cross from one to another. Items in this list should be in the form of pairs, signifying that it is NOT possible to travel from the first tile to the second (but reverse may be possible, i.e. jumping). All pairs of tiles must be adjacent (not diagonal). Collision Lines Map Create a list of all pairs of adjacent tiles that are impassable (aka walls). example: ((5,4),(5,3), both) Parameters: events: List of map events. inits: List of events to be loaded once, when map is entered. interacts: List of intractable spaces. surfable_map: Surfable map. collision_map: Collision map. collisions_lines_map: Collision map of lines. tiled_map: Original tiled map. maps: Dictionary of map properties. filename: Path of the map. """ self.interacts = interacts self.collision_map = collision_map self.surfable_map = surfable_map self.collision_lines_map = collisions_lines_map self.size = tiled_map.width, tiled_map.height self.inits = inits = events self.renderer: Optional[pyscroll.BufferedRenderer] = None self.edges = maps.get("edges") = tiled_map self.sprite_layer = 2 self.filename = filename self.maps = maps # optional fields self.slug = str(maps.get("slug")) = T.translate(self.slug) self.description = T.translate(f"{self.slug}_description") # cardinal directions (towns + roads) self.north = str(maps.get("north")) self.south = str(maps.get("south")) self.east = str(maps.get("east")) self.west = str(maps.get("west")) # translated cardinal directions (signs) self.north_trans = T.translate(self.north) self.south_trans = T.translate(self.south) self.east_trans = T.translate(self.east) self.west_trans = T.translate(self.west) # inside (true), outside (none) self.inside = bool(maps.get("inside")) # scenario: spyder, xero or none self.scenario = maps.get("scenario") # check type of location self.types = maps.get("types")
[docs] def initialize_renderer(self) -> None: """ Initialize the renderer for the map and sprites. Returns: Renderer for the map. """ visual_data = # Behaviour at the edges. clamp = self.edges == "clamped" self.renderer = pyscroll.BufferedRenderer( visual_data, prepare.SCREEN_SIZE, clamp_camera=clamp, tall_sprites=2, )
[docs] def reload_tiles(self) -> None: """Reload the map tiles.""" data = pytmx.TiledMap(, image_loader=scaled_image_loader, pixelalpha=True, ) assert self.renderer = data.images self.renderer.redraw_tiles(self.renderer._buffer)