Scripting reference

This page is a quick reference of scripting directives, useful for map-makers to see everything in one page.


Below is the list of all conditions usable inside scripts, along with a description of their parameters, if any. In order to negate a condition, it is enough to replace is by not.


Check to see if a particular key was pressed.

Currently only “K_RETURN” is supported.

Script usage

is button_pressed <button>
Script parameters:

button – A button/intention key (E.g. “K_RETURN”).


Check to see if combat has been started or not.

Script usage

is combat_started


Check to see if a dialog window is open.

Script usage

is dialog_open


Check to see if a NPC inventory contains something.

Script usage

is has_item <character>,<item>[,operator][,quantity]
Script parameters:
  • character – Either “player” or npc slug name (e.g. “npc_maple”).

  • item – The item slug name (e.g. “item_cherry”).

  • operator – Numeric comparison operator. Accepted values are “less_than”, “greater_than”, “equals”, “less_or_equal” and “greater_or_equal”.

  • quantity – Quantity to compare with.


Check to see the player is has a monster in his party.

Script usage

is has_monster <monster>
Script parameters:

monster – Monster slug name (e.g. “rockitten”).


Check to see if the given monster flair matches the expected value.

Script usage

is monster_flair <slot>,<category>,<name>
Script parameters:
  • slot – Position of the monster in the player monster list.

  • category – Category of the flair.

  • name – Name of the flair.


Check to see if a particular piece of music is playing or not.

Script usage

is music_playing <music_filename>
Script parameters:

music_filename – Name of the music.


Check to see if a character is at the condition position on the map.

Script usage

is npc_at <character>
Script parameters:

character – Either “player” or npc slug name (e.g. “npc_maple”).


Check to see if a character object exists in the current list of NPCs.

Script usage

is npc_exists <character>
Script parameters:

character – Either “player” or npc slug name (e.g. “npc_maple”).


Check to see if a character is facing a tile position.

This is checked against all the tiles included in the condition object.

Script usage

is npc_facing_tile <character>
Script parameters:

character – Either “player” or npc slug name (e.g. “npc_maple”).


Check to see where a character is facing.

Script usage

is npc_facing <character>,<direction>
Script parameters:
  • character – Either “player” or npc slug name (e.g. “npc_maple”).

  • direction – One of “up”, “down”, “left” or “right”.


Check the party size.

Script usage

is party_size <operator>,<value>
Script parameters:
  • operator – Numeric comparison operator. Accepted values are “less_than”, “less_or_equal”, “greater_than”, “greater_or_equal”, “equals” and “not_equals”.

  • value – The value to compare the party size with.


Check to see if the player is at the condition position on the map.

Script usage

is player_at


Check to see the player has at least one tuxemon, and all tuxemon in their party are defeated.

Script usage

is player_defeated


Check to see the player is next to and facing a particular NPC.

Script usage

is player_facing_npc <character>
Script parameters:

character – Npc slug name (e.g. “npc_maple”).


Check to see where an NPC is facing.

Script usage

is player_facing <direction>
Script parameters:

direction – One of “up”, “down”, “left” or “right”.


Check if we are attempting to talk to an npc.

Script usage

is to_talk <character>
Script parameters:

character – Npc slug name (e.g. “npc_maple”).


This condition always returns true.

Script usage

is true


Check an operation over a variable.

Script usage

is variable_is <value1>,<operation>,<value2>
Script parameters:
  • value1 – Either a variable or a number.

  • operation – One of “==”, “!=”, “>”, “>=”, “<” or “<=”.

  • value2 – Either a variable or a number.


Check to see if a player game variable exists and has a particular value.

If the variable does not exist it will return False.

Script usage

is variable_set <variable>[:value]
Script parameters:
  • variable – The variable to check.

  • value – Optional value to check for.


Below is the list of all actions usable inside scripts, along with a description of their parameters, if any.


Execute the specified event’s actions by id.

Script usage

call_event <event_id>
Script parameters:

event_id – The id of the event whose actions will be executed.


Clear the value of a variable from the game.

Script usage

clear_variable <variable>
Script parameters:

variable – The variable to clear.


Copy the value of var2 into var1 (e.g. var1 = var 2).

Script usage

copy_variable <var1>,<var2>
Script parameters:
  • var1 – The variable to copy to.

  • var2 – The variable to copy from.


Fade out the music over a set amount of time in milliseconds.

Script usage

fadeout_music <duration>
Script parameters:

duration – Number of milliseconds to fade out the music over.


Relative tile movement for NPC.

This action blocks until the destination is reached.

Script usage

npc_move <npc_slug>,<move>...
Script parameters:
  • npc_slug – Either “player” or npc slug name (e.g. “npc_maple”).

  • move – A tuple with format <direction> [amount_of_tiles] where direction can be one of “up”, “down”, “left” and “right” and amount_of_tiles is the number of tiles moved in that direction, being 1 by default. Several movements can be passed, that will be executed one after the other. For example: up 10, down 5, left 5.


Set the NPC movement speed to the global run speed.

Script usage

npc_run <npc_slug>
Script parameters:

npc_slug – Either “player” or npc slug name (e.g. “npc_maple”).


Set the NPC movement speed to a custom value.

Script usage

npc_speed <npc_slug> <speed>
Script parameters:
  • npc_slug – Either “player” or npc slug name (e.g. “npc_maple”).

  • speed – Speed amount.


Set the NPC movement speed to the global walk speed.

Script usage

npc_walk <npc_slug>
Script parameters:

npc_slug – Either “player” or npc slug name (e.g. “npc_maple”).


Pathfind the player / npc to the given location.

This action blocks until the destination is reached.

Script usage

pathfind <npc_slug>
Script parameters:

npc_slug – Either “player” or npc slug name (e.g. “npc_maple”).


Pause the current music playback.

Script usage



Print the current value of a game variable to the console.

If no variable is specified, print out values of all game variables.

Script usage

print <variable>
Script parameters:

variable: Optional, prints out the value of this variable.


Completely quit the game.

Script usage



Randomly choose an integer between 2 numbers (inclusive), and set the key in the player.game_variables dictionary to be this value.

For example, ‘random_integer xyz,1,6’ will set the value of the game variable ‘xyz’ to be either 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.

Script usage

random_integer <variable>,<lower_bound>,<upper_bound>
Script parameters:
  • variable – Name of the variable.

  • lower_bound – Lower bound of range to return an integer between (inclusive)

  • upper_bound – Upper bound of range to return an integer between (inclusive)


Remove a monster from the given trainer’s party if the monster is there.

Monster is determined by instance_id, which must be passed in a game variable.

Script usage

remove_monster <instance_id>[,trainer_slug]
Script parameters:
  • instance_id – Id of the monster.

  • trainer_slug – Slug of the trainer. If no trainer slug is passed it defaults to the current player.


Rumble available controllers with rumble support.

Script usage

rumble <duration>,<power>
Script parameters:
  • duration – Time in seconds to rumble for.

  • power – Percentage of power to rumble.


Set the key in the player.game_variables dictionary.

Script usage

set_variable <variable>:<value>
Script parameters:
  • variable – Name of the variable.

  • value – Value of the variable (if value “today” = today’s date)


Start cinema mode by animating black bars to narrow the aspect ratio.

Script usage



Stop cinema mode by animating black bars back to the normal aspect ratio.

Script usage



Teleport the player to the point in the teleport_faint variable.

Usually used to teleport to the last visited Tuxcenter, as when all monsters in the party faint.

Script usage



Perform a mathematical operation on the player.game_variables dictionary.

Optionally accepts a fourth parameter to store the result, otherwise it is stored in var1.

Script usage

variable_math <var1>,<operation>,<var2>,<result>
variable_math <var1>,<operation>,<var2>
Script parameters:
  • var1 – First operand.

  • operation – Operator symbol.

  • var2 – Second operand.

  • result – Variable where to store the result. If missing, it will be var1.


Block event chain for some time.

Script usage

wait <seconds>
Script parameters:

seconds – Time in seconds for the event engine to wait for.