Source code for tuxemon.state

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
# Copyright (c) 2014-2023 William Edwards <>, Benjamin Bean <>
from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import logging
import os.path
import sys
import warnings
from abc import ABCMeta
from importlib import import_module
from typing import (

import pygame
from pygame.rect import Rect

from tuxemon import graphics, prepare
from tuxemon.animation import Animation, Task, remove_animations_of
from tuxemon.constants import paths
from import PlayerInput
from tuxemon.session import local_session
from tuxemon.sprite import Sprite, SpriteGroup

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

StateType = TypeVar("StateType", bound="State")

[docs]class State: """This is a prototype class for States. All states should inherit from it. No direct instances of this class should be created. Update must be overloaded in the child class. Overview of Methods: * resume - Called each time state is updated for first time * update - Called each frame while state is active * process_event - Called when there is a new input event * pause - Called when state is no longer active * shutdown - Called before state is destroyed """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta rect = Rect((0, 0), prepare.SCREEN_SIZE) transparent = False # ignore all background/borders force_draw = False # draw even if completely under another state def __init__(self) -> None: """ Constructor Attributes: force_draw: If True, state will never be skipped in drawing phase. rect: Area of the screen will be drawn on. Important! The state must be ready to be drawn after this is called. """ self.start_time = 0.0 self.current_time = 0.0 # Only animations and tasks self.animations = pygame.sprite.Group() # All sprites that draw on the screen self.sprites: SpriteGroup[Sprite] = SpriteGroup() # TODO: fix local session self.client = local_session.client @property def name(self) -> str: return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def load_sprite(self, filename: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Sprite: """ Load a sprite and add it to this state. Parameters: filename: Filename, relative to the resources folder. kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the Rect constructor. Can be any value used by Rect, or layer. Returns: Loaded sprite. """ layer = kwargs.pop("layer", 0) sprite = graphics.load_sprite(filename, **kwargs) self.sprites.add(sprite, layer=layer) return sprite
[docs] def animate(self, *targets: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Animation: """ Animate something in this state. Animations are processed even while state is inactive. Parameters: targets: Targets of the Animation. kwargs: Attributes and their final value. Returns: Resulting animation. """ ani = Animation(*targets, **kwargs) self.animations.add(ani) return ani
[docs] def task(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Task: """ Create a task for this state. Tasks are processed even while state is inactive. If you want to pass positional arguments, use functools.partial. Parameters: args: Function to be called. kwargs: Keyword parameters passed to the task. Returns: The created task. """ task = Task(*args, **kwargs) self.animations.add(task) return task
[docs] def remove_animations_of(self, target: Any) -> None: """ Given and object, remove any animations that it is used with. Parameters: target: Object whose animations should be removed. """ remove_animations_of(target, self.animations)
[docs] def process_event(self, event: PlayerInput) -> Optional[PlayerInput]: """ Handles player input events. This function is only called when the player provides input such as pressing a key or clicking the mouse. Since this is part of a chain of event handlers, the return value from this method becomes input for the next one. Returning None signifies that this method has dealt with an event and wants it exclusively. Return the event and others can use it as well. You should return None if you have handled input here. Parameters: event: Player input event. Returns: ``None`` if the event should not be passed to the next handlers. Otherwise, return the input event. """ return event
[docs] def update(self, time_delta: float) -> None: """ Time update function for state. Must be overloaded in children. Parameters: time_delta: Amount of time in fractional seconds since last update. """ self.animations.update(time_delta) self.sprites.update(time_delta)
[docs] def draw(self, surface: pygame.surface.Surface) -> None: """ Render the state to the surface passed. Must be overloaded in children. Do not change the state of any game entities. Every draw should be the same for a given game time. Any game changes should be done during update. Parameters: surface: Surface to be rendered onto. """
[docs] def startup(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ DEPRECATED - Use __init__ instead. Called when scene is added to the state stack. This will be called: * after state is pushed and before next update * just once during the life of a state Example uses: loading images, configuration, sounds, etc. Parameters: kwargs: Configuration options. """
[docs] def resume(self) -> None: """ Called before update when state is newly in focus. This will be called: * after startup and before next update * after a pop operation which causes this state to be in focus After being called, state will begin to receive player input. Could be called several times over lifetime of state. Example uses: starting music, open menu, starting animations, timers, etc. """
[docs] def pause(self) -> None: """ Called when state is pushed back in the stack, allowed to pause. This will be called: * after update when state is pushed back * before being shutdown After being called, state will no longer receive player input. Could be called several times over lifetime of state. Example uses: stopping music, sounds, fading out, making state graphics dim, etc. """
[docs] def shutdown(self) -> None: """ Called when state is removed from stack and will be destroyed. This will be called: * after update when state is popped Make sure to release any references to objects that may cause cyclical dependencies. """
[docs]class StateManager: """ Allows game states to be managed like a queue. Parameters: package: Name of package to search for states. on_state_change: Optional callback to be executed when top state changes. """ def __init__( self, package: str, on_state_change: Optional[Callable[[], None]] = None, ) -> None: self.package = package # TODO: consider API for handling hooks self._on_state_change_hook = on_state_change self._state_queue: List[Tuple[str, Mapping[str, Any]]] = list() self._state_stack: List[State] = list() self._state_dict: Dict[str, Type[State]] = dict() self._resume_set: Set[State] = set()
[docs] def auto_state_discovery(self) -> None: """ Scan a folder, load states found in it, and register them. TODO: this functionality duplicates the plugin code. """ state_folder = os.path.join(paths.LIBDIR, *self.package.split(".")[1:]) exclude_endings = (".py", ".pyc", ".pyo", "__pycache__") logger.debug(f"loading game states from {state_folder}") for folder in os.listdir(state_folder): if any(folder.endswith(end) for end in exclude_endings): continue for state in self.collect_states_from_path(folder): self.register_state(state)
[docs] def register_state(self, state: Type[State]) -> None: """ Add a state class. Parameters: state: The state to add. """ name = state.__name__ logger.debug(f"loading state: {name}") self._state_dict[name] = state
def _instance(self, state_name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> State: """ Create new instance of State. Builder patter, WIP. Parameters: state_name: Name of state to create. """ try: state = self._state_dict[state_name] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot find state: {state_name}") return state(**kwargs) if kwargs else state()
[docs] @staticmethod def collect_states_from_module( import_name: str, ) -> Generator[Type[State], None, None]: """ Given a module, return all classes in it that are a game state. Abstract Base Classes, those whose metaclass is abc.ABCMeta, will not be included in the state dictionary. Parameters: import_name: Name of module Yields: Each game state class. """ classes = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[import_name], inspect.isclass) for c in (i[1] for i in classes): if issubclass(c, State): yield c
[docs] def collect_states_from_path( self, folder: str, ) -> Generator[Type[State], None, None]: """ Load states from disk, but do not register it. Parameters: folder: Folder to load from. Yields: Each game state class. """ try: import_name = self.package + "." + folder import_module(import_name) yield from self.collect_states_from_module(import_name) except Exception as e: template = "{} failed to load or is not a valid game package" logger.error(e) logger.error(template.format(folder)) raise
[docs] def update(self, time_delta: float) -> None: """ Run update on all active states, which doing some internal housekeeping. WIP. This may change at some point, especially handling of paused states. Parameters: time_delta: Amount of time passed since last frame. """ logger.debug("updating states") for state in self.active_states: self._check_resume(state) state.update(time_delta)
def _check_resume(self, state: State) -> None: """ Call resume on states that are in the resume set. Typically states will resume right before an update, but if an update has not been called before an update, then the resume will be missed. This is used to enforce the symmetry between resume/pause calls. Parameters: state: State to check for resume """ if state in self._resume_set: logger.debug("removing %s from resume set", self._resume_set.remove(state) state.resume()
[docs] def query_all_states(self) -> Mapping[str, Type[State]]: """ Return a dictionary of all loaded states. Keys are state names, values are State classes. Returns: Dictionary of all loaded states. """ return self._state_dict.copy()
[docs] def queue_state(self, state_name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Queue a state to be pushed after the top state is popped or replaced. Use this to chain execution of states, without causing a state to get instanced before it is on top of the stack. Parameters: state_name: Name of state to start. kwargs: Arguments to pass to the ``__init__`` method of the new state. """ logger.debug("queue state: %s", state_name) self._state_queue.append((state_name, kwargs))
[docs] def pop_state(self, state: Optional[State] = None) -> None: """ Pop some state. The default state is the current one. The previously running state will resume, unless there is a queued state, then that state will be become the new current state, not the previous. Parameters: state: The state to remove from stack. Use None (or omit) for current state. """ # handle situation where there is a queued state if self._state_queue: state_name, kwargs = self._state_queue.pop(0) self.replace_state(state_name, **kwargs) logger.debug("pop state, using queue instead: %s", state_name) return # raise error if stack is empty if not self._state_stack: raise RuntimeError("Attempted to pop state when stack was empty.") # pop the top state if state is None: state = self._state_stack[0] try: index = self._state_stack.index(state) except IndexError: raise RuntimeError( "Attempted to pop state when state was not active.", ) if index == 0: logger.debug("pop state: %s", self._state_stack.pop(0) self._check_resume(state) state.pause() state.shutdown() if self._state_stack: self._resume_set.add(self._state_stack[0]) if self._on_state_change_hook: self._on_state_change_hook() else: logger.debug("pop-remove state: %s", self._state_stack.remove(state)
[docs] def remove_state(self, state: State) -> None: """ Remove state by passing a reference to it Parameters: state: State to remove """ try: index = self._state_stack.index(state) except IndexError: logger.critical( "Attempted to remove state which is not in the stack", ) raise RuntimeError if index == 0: logger.debug("remove-pop state: %s", self.pop_state() else: logger.debug("remove state: %s", self._state_stack.remove(state) state.shutdown()
@overload def push_state(self, state_name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> State: pass @overload def push_state( self, state_name: StateType, **kwargs: Any, ) -> StateType: pass
[docs] def push_state( self, state_name: Union[str, StateType], **kwargs: Any, ) -> State: """ Pause currently running state and start new one. Parameters: state_name: Name of state to start. kwargs: Arguments to pass to the ``__init__`` method of the new state. Returns: Instanced state. """ logger.debug("push state: %s", state_name) previous = self.current_state if previous is not None: self._check_resume(previous) previous.pause() if isinstance(state_name, State): instance = state_name elif isinstance(state_name, str): instance = self._instance(state_name, **kwargs) else: warnings.warn( "Calling push_state with Type[State] is deprecated, use an instantiated State instead", DeprecationWarning, ) instance = state_name(**kwargs) if kwargs else state_name() instance.startup(**kwargs) self._resume_set.add(instance) self._state_stack.insert(0, instance) if self._on_state_change_hook: self._on_state_change_hook() return instance
@overload def replace_state(self, state_name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> State: pass @overload def replace_state( self, state_name: StateType, **kwargs: Any, ) -> StateType: pass
[docs] def replace_state( self, state_name: Union[str, State], **kwargs: Any, ) -> State: """ Replace the currently running state with a new one. This is essentially, just a ``push_state``, followed by ``pop_state(running_state)``. This cannot be used to replace states in the middle of the stack. Parameters: state_name: Name of state to start. kwargs: Arguments to pass to the ``__init__`` method of the new state. Returns: Instanced state. """ logger.debug("replace state: %s", state_name) # raise error if stack is empty if not self._state_stack: raise RuntimeError( "Attempted to replace state when stack was empty." ) previous = self._state_stack[0] instance = self.push_state(state_name, **kwargs) self.remove_state(previous) return instance
@property def current_state(self) -> Optional[State]: """ Return the currently running state, if any. Returns: Currently running state. """ try: return self._state_stack[0] except IndexError: return None @property def active_states(self) -> Sequence[State]: """ Sequence of states that are active. Returns: List of active states. """ return self._state_stack[:] @property def queued_states(self) -> Sequence[Tuple[str, Mapping[str, Any]]]: """ Sequence of states that are queued. Returns: List of queued states """ return self._state_queue[:] @overload def get_state_by_name(self, state_name: str) -> State: pass @overload def get_state_by_name( self, state_name: Type[StateType], ) -> StateType: pass
[docs] def get_state_by_name( self, state_name: Union[str, Type[State]], ) -> State: """ Query the state stack for a state by the name supplied. Parameters: state_name: Name of a state. Returns: State with that name, if one exist. ``None`` otherwise. """ for state in self.active_states: if ( state.__class__.__name__ == state_name or state.__class__ == state_name ): return state raise ValueError(f"Missing state {state_name}")
[docs] def get_queued_state_by_name( self, state_name: str, ) -> Tuple[str, Mapping[str, Any]]: """ Query the queued state stack for a state by the name supplied. Parameters: state_name: Name of a state. Returns: State with that name, if one exist. ``None`` otherwise. """ for queued_state in self._state_queue: if queued_state[0] == state_name: return queued_state raise ValueError(f"Missing queued state {state_name}")