Source code for tuxemon.sprite

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
# Copyright (c) 2014-2023 William Edwards <>, Benjamin Bean <>
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import math
from typing import (

import pygame
from pygame.rect import Rect
from pygame.transform import rotozoom, scale

from tuxemon import graphics
from tuxemon.platform.const import buttons
from import PlayerInput
from tuxemon.surfanim import SurfaceAnimation
from import scale as tuxemon_scale

    from import MenuItem
    from import Monster

logger = logging.getLogger()

dummy_image: Final = pygame.surface.Surface((0, 0))

[docs]class Sprite(pygame.sprite.DirtySprite): _original_image: Optional[pygame.surface.Surface] _image: Optional[pygame.surface.Surface] _rect: pygame.rect.Rect def __init__( self, *args: pygame.sprite.Group, image: Optional[pygame.surface.Surface] = None, animation: Optional[SurfaceAnimation] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(*args) self.visible: bool = True self._rotation: int = 0 self._rect = Rect(0, 0, 0, 0) self.image = image self.animation = animation self._width: int = 0 self._height: int = 0 self._needs_rescale: bool = False self._needs_update: bool = False self.player: bool = False
[docs] def update(self, time_delta: float = 0, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().update(time_delta, *args, **kwargs) if self.animation is not None: self.animation.update(time_delta)
[docs] def draw( self, surface: pygame.surface.Surface, rect: Optional[pygame.rect.Rect] = None, ) -> pygame.rect.Rect: """ Draw the sprite to the surface. This operation does not scale the sprite, so it may exceed the size of the area passed. Parameters: surface: Surface to be drawn on. rect: Area to contain the sprite. Returns: Area of the surface that was modified. """ # should draw to surface without generating a cached copy if rect is None: rect = surface.get_rect() return self._draw(surface, rect)
def _draw( self, surface: pygame.surface.Surface, rect: pygame.rect.Rect, ) -> pygame.rect.Rect: return surface.blit(self.image, rect) @property def rect(self) -> Rect: return self._rect @rect.setter def rect(self, rect: Optional[Rect]) -> None: if rect is None: rect = Rect(0, 0, 0, 0) if rect != self._rect: self._rect = rect self._needs_update = True @property def image(self) -> pygame.surface.Surface: # should always be a cached copy if self.animation is not None: return self.animation.get_current_frame() if self._needs_update: self.update_image() self._needs_update = False self._needs_rescale = False return self._image if self._image and self.visible else dummy_image @image.setter def image(self, image: Optional[pygame.surface.Surface]) -> None: if image is not None: self.animation = None rect = image.get_rect() self.rect.size = rect.size self._original_image = image self._image = image self._needs_update = True @property def animation(self) -> Optional[SurfaceAnimation]: return self._animation @animation.setter def animation(self, animation: Optional[SurfaceAnimation]) -> None: self._animation = animation if animation is not None: self.image = None self.rect.size = animation.get_rect().size
[docs] def update_image(self) -> None: image: Optional[pygame.surface.Surface] if self._original_image is not None and self._needs_rescale: w = self.rect.width if self._width is None else self._width h = self.rect.height if self._height is None else self._height image = scale(self._original_image, (w, h)) center = self.rect.size = w, h = center else: image = self._original_image if image is not None and self._rotation: image = rotozoom(image, self._rotation, 1) rect = image.get_rect( self.rect.size = rect.size = self._width, self._height = self.rect.size self._image = image
# width and height are API that may not stay @property def width(self) -> int: return self._width @width.setter def width(self, width: int) -> None: width = int(round(width, 0)) if not width == self._width: self._width = width self._needs_rescale = True self._needs_update = True # width and height are API that may not stay @property def height(self) -> int: return self._height @height.setter def height(self, height: int) -> None: height = int(round(height, 0)) if not height == self._height: self._height = height self._needs_rescale = True self._needs_update = True @property def rotation(self) -> int: return self._rotation @rotation.setter def rotation(self, value: float) -> None: value = int(round(value, 0)) % 360 if not value == self._rotation: self._rotation = value self._needs_update = True
[docs]class CaptureDeviceSprite(Sprite): def __init__( self, *, tray: Sprite, monster: Optional[Monster], sprite: Sprite, state: str, ) -> None: self.tray = tray = monster self.sprite = sprite self.state = state self.empty_img = graphics.load_and_scale( "gfx/ui/combat/empty_slot_icon.png", ) self.faint_img = graphics.load_and_scale( "gfx/ui/icons/party/party_icon03.png", ) self.alive_img = graphics.load_and_scale( "gfx/ui/icons/party/party_icon01.png", ) self.effected_img = graphics.load_and_scale( "gfx/ui/icons/party/party_icon02.png", ) super().__init__()
[docs] def update_state(self) -> str: """ Updates the state of the capture device. Returns: The new state. """ if self.state == "empty": self.sprite.image = self.empty_img else: assert if any(t for t in if t.slug == "status_faint"): self.state = "faint" self.sprite.image = self.faint_img elif len( > 0: self.state = "effected" self.sprite.image = self.effected_img else: self.state = "alive" self.sprite.image = self.alive_img return self.state
[docs] def animate_capture( self, animate: Callable[..., object], ) -> None: """ Animates the capture device in game. Parameters: animate: The animation function. """ sprite = self.sprite sprite.image = graphics.convert_alpha_to_colorkey(sprite.image) sprite.image.set_alpha(0) animate(sprite.image, set_alpha=255, initial=0) animate(sprite.rect, + tuxemon_scale(3))
_GroupElement = TypeVar("_GroupElement", bound=Sprite)
[docs]class SpriteGroup(pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates, Generic[_GroupElement]): """ Sane variation of a pygame sprite group. Features: * Supports Layers * Supports Index / Slice * Supports skipping sprites without an image * Supports sprites with visible flag * Get bounding rect of all children """ def __init__(self, *, default_layer: int = 0) -> None: super().__init__(default_layer=default_layer)
[docs] def add(self, *sprites: pygame.sprite.Sprite, **kwargs: Any) -> None: return pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates.add(self, *sprites, **kwargs)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[_GroupElement]: return pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates.__iter__(self)
[docs] def sprites(self) -> Sequence[_GroupElement]: # Pygame typing is awful. Ignore Mypy here. return pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates.sprites(self)
def __bool__(self) -> bool: return bool(self.sprites()) @overload def __getitem__( self, item: int, ) -> _GroupElement: pass @overload def __getitem__( self, item: slice, ) -> Sequence[_GroupElement]: pass def __getitem__( self, item: Union[int, slice], ) -> Union[_GroupElement, Sequence[_GroupElement]]: # patch in indexing / slicing support return self.sprites()[item]
[docs] def calc_bounding_rect(self) -> pygame.rect.Rect: """A rect object that contains all sprites of this group.""" sprites = self.sprites() if len(sprites) == 1: return pygame.rect.Rect(sprites[0].rect) else: return sprites[0].rect.unionall([s.rect for s in sprites[1:]])
_MenuElement = TypeVar("_MenuElement", bound="MenuItem[Any]")
[docs]class RelativeGroup(MenuSpriteGroup[_MenuElement]): """ Drawing operations are relative to the group's rect. """ rect = pygame.rect.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0) def __init__( self, *, parent: Union[RelativeGroup[Any], Callable[[], pygame.rect.Rect]], **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: self.parent = parent super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def calc_absolute_rect( self, rect: pygame.rect.Rect, ) -> pygame.rect.Rect: self.update_rect_from_parent() return rect.move(self.rect.topleft)
[docs] def update_rect_from_parent(self) -> None: if callable(self.parent): self.rect = self.parent() else: self.rect = pygame.rect.Rect(self.parent.rect)
[docs] def draw( self, surface: pygame.surface.Surface, ) -> List[pygame.rect.Rect]: self.update_rect_from_parent() topleft = self.rect.topleft # The identity of the rectangle should be kept, as animations may # keep a reference to it for s in self.sprites(): s.rect.move_ip(topleft) try: dirty = super().draw(surface) finally: for s in self.sprites(): s.rect.move_ip((-topleft[0], -topleft[1])) return dirty
[docs]class VisualSpriteList(RelativeGroup[_MenuElement]): """ Sprite group which can be configured to arrange the children sprites into columns. """ # default, and only implemented orientation: Literal["horizontal"] = "horizontal" expand = True # True: fill all space of parent. False: more compact _2d_movement_dict: Final = { buttons.LEFT: ("lr", -1), buttons.RIGHT: ("lr", 1), buttons.UP: ("tb", -1), buttons.DOWN: ("tb", 1), } def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self._needs_arrange = False self._columns = 1 self.line_spacing: Optional[int] = None @property def columns(self) -> int: return self._columns @columns.setter def columns(self, value: int) -> None: self._columns = value self._needs_arrange = True
[docs] def calc_bounding_rect(self) -> pygame.rect.Rect: if self._needs_arrange: self.arrange_menu_items() return super().calc_bounding_rect()
[docs] def add( self, *sprites: pygame.sprite.Sprite, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """ Add something to the stacker. Do not add iterables to this function. Use 'extend'. Parameters: item: Stuff to add. """ super().add(*sprites, **kwargs) self._needs_arrange = True
[docs] def remove( self, *items: pygame.sprite.Sprite, ) -> None: super().remove(*items) self._needs_arrange = True
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: for i in self.sprites(): super().remove(i) self._needs_arrange = True
[docs] def draw( self, surface: pygame.surface.Surface, ) -> List[Rect]: if self._needs_arrange: self.arrange_menu_items() dirty = super().draw(surface) return dirty
[docs] def arrange_menu_items(self) -> None: """ Iterate through menu items and position them in the menu. Defaults to a multi-column layout with items placed horizontally first. """ if not len(self): return # max_width = 0 max_height = 0 for item in self.sprites(): # max_width = max(max_width, item.rect.width) max_height = max(max_height, item.rect.height) self.update_rect_from_parent() width, height = self.rect.size items_per_column = math.ceil(len(self) / self.columns) if self.expand: logger.debug("expanding menu...") # fill available space line_spacing = self.line_spacing or (height // items_per_column) else: line_spacing = int(max_height * 1.2) column_spacing = width // self.columns # TODO: pagination API for index, item in enumerate(self.sprites()): oy, ox = divmod(index, self.columns) item.rect.topleft = ox * column_spacing, oy * line_spacing self._needs_arrange = False
def _lr_to_tb_index( self, lr_index: int, orientation: Literal["horizontal"], ) -> int: """Convert left/right index to top/bottom index.""" if orientation == "horizontal": rows, remainder = divmod(len(self), self.columns) row, col = divmod(lr_index, self.columns) n_complete_columns = col if col < remainder else remainder n_incomplete_columns = 0 if col < remainder else col - remainder return ( n_complete_columns * (rows + 1) + n_incomplete_columns * rows + row ) else: raise NotImplementedError def _tb_to_lr_index( self, tb_index: int, orientation: Literal["horizontal"], ) -> int: """Convert top/bottom index to left/right index.""" if orientation == "horizontal": rows, remainder = divmod(len(self), self.columns) if tb_index < remainder * (rows + 1): col, row = divmod(tb_index, rows + 1) else: col, row = divmod(tb_index - remainder * (rows + 1), rows) col += remainder return row * self.columns + col else: raise NotImplementedError def _allowed_input(self) -> Container[int]: return set(self._2d_movement_dict) def _advance_input(self, index: int, button: int) -> int: """Advance the index given the input.""" # Layout (horizontal): # 0 1 2 3 4 ... columns-1 # 0 X X X X X ... X # 1 X X X X X ... X # 2 X X X X X ... X # ... . . . . . ... . # rows-1 X X X X X ... X # rows X X _ _ _ ... _ # ^ # | # remainder=2 index_type, incr = self._2d_movement_dict[button] if index_type == "tb": index = self._lr_to_tb_index(index, self.orientation) index += incr index %= len(self) if index_type == "tb": index = self._tb_to_lr_index(index, self.orientation) return index