Source code for tuxemon.plugin

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
# Copyright (c) 2014-2023 William Edwards <>, Benjamin Bean <>
from __future__ import annotations

import importlib
import inspect
import logging
import os
import sys
from types import ModuleType
from typing import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
log_hdlr = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
        "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - " "%(levelname)s - %(message)s",

[docs]@runtime_checkable class PluginObject(Protocol): name: ClassVar[str]
T = TypeVar("T") InterfaceValue = TypeVar("InterfaceValue", bound=PluginObject) Interface = Type[InterfaceValue]
[docs]class Plugin(Generic[T]): __slots__ = ("name", "plugin_object") def __init__(self, name: str, module: T) -> None: = name self.plugin_object = module
[docs]class PluginManager: """Yapsy semi-compatible plugin manager.""" def __init__( self, ) -> None: self.folders: Sequence[str] = [] self.modules: List[str] = [] self.file_extension = (".py", ".pyc") self.exclude_classes = ["IPlugin"] self.include_patterns = [ "event.actions", "event.conditions", "item.effects", "item.conditions", "technique.effects", "technique.conditions", ]
[docs] def setPluginPlaces(self, plugin_folders: Sequence[str]) -> None: """ Set the locations where to look for plugins. Parameters: plugin_folders: Sequence of folders that might contain plugins. """ self.folders = plugin_folders
[docs] def collectPlugins(self) -> None: """Collect the plugins from the folders.""" for folder in self.folders: logger.debug("searching for plugins: %s", folder) folder = folder.replace("\\", "/") # Take the plugin folder and create a base module path based on it. match = folder[folder.rfind("tuxemon") :] if len(match) == 0: raise RuntimeError( "Unable to determine plugin module path for: %s", folder ) module_path = match.replace("/", ".") # Look for a ".plugin" in the plugin folder to create a list # of modules to import. modules = [] for f in os.listdir(folder): if f.endswith(self.file_extension): modules.append(module_path + "." + os.path.splitext(f)[0]) self.modules += modules logger.debug("Modules to load: " + str(self.modules))
[docs] def getAllPlugins( self, *, interface: Type[InterfaceValue], ) -> Sequence[Plugin[Type[InterfaceValue]]]: """ Get a sequence of loaded plugins. Parameters: interface: Superclass or protocol of the returned classes. Returns: Sequence of plugins loaded. """ imported_modules = [] for module in self.modules: logger.debug("Searching module: " + str(module)) m = importlib.import_module(module) for c in self._getClassesFromModule(m, interface=interface): class_name = c[0] class_obj = c[1] for pattern in self.include_patterns: if class_name in self.exclude_classes: logger.debug("Skipping " + str(module)) continue # Only import modules from the list of parent modules if pattern in str(class_obj): logger.debug("Importing: " + str(class_name)) imported_modules.append( Plugin(module + "." + class_name, class_obj), ) return imported_modules
def _getClassesFromModule( self, module: ModuleType, interface: Type[InterfaceValue], ) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, Type[InterfaceValue]]]: # This is required because of # # # The typing error in issubclass will be solved # in predicate = ( inspect.isclass if interface is PluginObject else lambda c: inspect.isclass(c) and issubclass(c, interface) ) members = inspect.getmembers(module, predicate=predicate) return members
[docs]def load_directory(plugin_folder: str) -> PluginManager: """ Loads and imports a directory of plugins. Parameters: plugin_folder: The folder where to look for plugin files. Returns: A plugin manager, with the modules already loaded. """ manager = PluginManager() manager.setPluginPlaces([plugin_folder]) manager.collectPlugins() return manager
[docs]def get_available_classes( plugin_manager: PluginManager, *, interface: Type[InterfaceValue], ) -> Sequence[Type[InterfaceValue]]: """ Gets the available classes in a plugin manager. Parameter: plugin_manager: Plugin manager with modules already loaded. interface: Superclass or protocol of the returned classes. Returns: Sequence of loaded classes. """ classes = [] for plugin in plugin_manager.getAllPlugins(interface=interface): classes.append(plugin.plugin_object) return classes
# Overloads until is fixed @overload def load_plugins( path: str, category: str = "plugins", ) -> Mapping[str, Type[PluginObject]]: pass @overload def load_plugins( path: str, category: str = "plugins", *, interface: Type[InterfaceValue] ) -> Mapping[str, Type[InterfaceValue]]: pass
[docs]def load_plugins( path: str, category: str = "plugins", *, interface: Union[Type[InterfaceValue], Type[PluginObject]] = PluginObject, ) -> Mapping[str, Union[Type[InterfaceValue], Type[PluginObject]]]: """ Load classes using plugin system. Parameters: path: Location of the modules to load. category: Optional string for debugging info. interface: Superclass or protocol of the returned classes. If no class is given, they are only required to have a `name` attribute. Returns: A dictionary mapping the `name` attribute of each class to the class itself. """ classes = dict() plugins = load_directory(path) for cls in get_available_classes(plugins, interface=interface): name = getattr(cls, "name", None) if name is None: logger.error(f"found incomplete {category}: {cls.__name__}") continue classes[name] = cls"loaded {category}: {}") return classes