Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

from collections import defaultdict
from typing import (

import pygame
import pygame as pg
from pygame.rect import Rect

from tuxemon import graphics
from tuxemon.platform.const import buttons, events
from import (
from tuxemon.session import local_session
from tuxemon.ui.draw import blit_alpha

[docs]class PygameEventQueueHandler(EventQueueHandler): """Handle all events from the pygame event queue.""" def __init__(self) -> None: self._inputs: Dict[int, List[InputHandler[Any]]] = defaultdict(list)
[docs] def add_input(self, player: int, handler: InputHandler[Any]) -> None: """ Add an input handler to process. Parameters: player: Number of the player the handler belongs to. handler: Handler whose events will be processed from now on. """ self._inputs[player].append(handler)
[docs] def set_input( self, player: int, element: int, handler: InputHandler[Any], ) -> None: """ Sets an input handler to process. Parameters: player: Number of the player the handler belongs to. element: Index to modify handler: Handler whose events will be processed from now on. """ self._inputs[player][element] = handler
[docs] def process_events(self) -> Generator[PlayerInput, None, None]: for pg_event in pg.event.get(): for inputs in self._inputs.values(): for player_input in inputs: player_input.process_event(pg_event) if pg_event.type == pg.QUIT: local_session.client.event_engine.execute_action("quit") for inputs in self._inputs.values(): for player_input in inputs: yield from player_input.get_events()
[docs]class PygameEventHandler(InputHandler[pygame.event.Event]): """ Input handler of Pygame events. """
[docs]class PygameGamepadInput(PygameEventHandler): """ Gamepad event handler. NOTE: Due to implementation, you may receive "released" inputs for buttons/directions/axis even if they are released already. Pressed or held inputs will never be duplicated and are always "correct". Parameters: event_map: Mapping of original identifiers to button identifiers. deadzone: Threshold used to detect when an analog stick should be considered not pressed, as obtaining an exact value of 0 is almost impossible. """ # Xbox 360 Controller buttons: # A = 0 Start = 7 D-Up = 13 # B = 1 Back = 6 D-Down = 14 # X = 2 D-Left = 11 # Y = 3 D-Right = 12 # default_input_map = { 0: buttons.A, 1: buttons.B, 6: buttons.BACK, 11: buttons.LEFT, 12: buttons.RIGHT, 13: buttons.UP, 14: buttons.DOWN, 7: buttons.START, } def __init__( self, event_map: Optional[Mapping[Optional[int], int]] = None, deadzone: float = 0.25, ) -> None: super().__init__(event_map) self.deadzone = deadzone
[docs] def process_event(self, input_event: pygame.event.Event) -> None: self.check_button(input_event) self.check_hat(input_event) self.check_axis(input_event)
[docs] def check_button(self, pg_event: pygame.event.Event) -> None: try: button = self.event_map[pg_event.button] if pg_event.type == pg.JOYBUTTONDOWN: elif pg_event.type == pg.JOYBUTTONUP: self.release(button) except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass
[docs] def check_hat(self, pg_event: pygame.event.Event) -> None: if pg_event.type == pg.JOYHATMOTION: x, y = pg_event.value if x == -1:, value=x * -1) elif x == 0: self.release(buttons.LEFT) self.release(buttons.RIGHT) elif x == 1: if y == -1:, value=y * -1) elif y == 0: self.release(buttons.DOWN) self.release(buttons.UP) elif y == 1:
[docs] def check_axis(self, pg_event: pygame.event.Event) -> None: if pg_event.type == pg.JOYAXISMOTION: value = pg_event.value if pg_event.axis == 0: if abs(value) >= self.deadzone: if value < 0:, value * -1) else:, value) else: self.release(buttons.LEFT) self.release(buttons.RIGHT) elif pg_event.axis == 1: if abs(value) >= self.deadzone: if value < 0:, value * -1) else:, value) else: self.release(buttons.UP) self.release(buttons.DOWN)
[docs]class PygameKeyboardInput(PygameEventHandler): """ Keyboard event handler. Parameters: event_map: Mapping of original identifiers to button identifiers. """ default_input_map = { pg.K_UP: buttons.UP, pg.K_DOWN: buttons.DOWN, pg.K_LEFT: buttons.LEFT, pg.K_RIGHT: buttons.RIGHT, pg.K_RETURN: buttons.A, pg.K_RSHIFT: buttons.B, pg.K_LSHIFT: buttons.B, pg.K_ESCAPE: buttons.BACK, pg.K_BACKSPACE: events.BACKSPACE, None: events.UNICODE, }
[docs] def process_event(self, input_event: pygame.event.Event) -> None: pressed = input_event.type == pg.KEYDOWN released = input_event.type == pg.KEYUP if pressed or released: # try to get game-specific action for the key try: button = self.event_map[input_event.key] except KeyError: pass else: if pressed: else: self.release(button) return # just get unicode value try: if pressed: self.release(events.UNICODE), input_event.unicode) else: self.release(events.UNICODE) except AttributeError: pass
# TODO: Someone should refactor these to proper classes.
[docs]class DPadRectsInfo(TypedDict): up: Rect down: Rect left: Rect right: Rect
[docs]class DPadInfo(TypedDict): surface: pygame.surface.Surface position: Tuple[int, int] rect: DPadRectsInfo
[docs]class DPadButtonInfo(TypedDict): surface: pygame.surface.Surface position: Tuple[int, int] rect: Rect
[docs]class PygameTouchOverlayInput(PygameEventHandler): """ Touch overlay event handler. Parameters: transparency: Transparency of the drawn overlay. """ default_input_map: ClassVar[Mapping[Optional[int], int]] = {} def __init__(self, transparency: int) -> None: super().__init__() self.transparency = transparency self.dpad: DPadInfo = {} # type: ignore[typeddict-item] self.a_button: DPadButtonInfo = {} # type: ignore[typeddict-item] self.b_button: DPadButtonInfo = {} # type: ignore[typeddict-item] # TODO: try to simplify this self.buttons[buttons.UP] = PlayerInput(buttons.UP) self.buttons[buttons.DOWN] = PlayerInput(buttons.DOWN) self.buttons[buttons.LEFT] = PlayerInput(buttons.LEFT) self.buttons[buttons.RIGHT] = PlayerInput(buttons.RIGHT) self.buttons[buttons.A] = PlayerInput(buttons.A) self.buttons[buttons.B] = PlayerInput(buttons.B)
[docs] def process_event(self, input_event: pygame.event.Event) -> None: """ Process a Pygame event. Process all events from the controller overlay and pass them down to current State. All controller overlay events are converted to keyboard events for compatibility. This is primarily used for the mobile version of Tuxemon. Will probably be janky with multi touch. Parameters: input_event: Input event to process. """ pressed = input_event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN released = input_event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONUP button = None if (pressed or released) and input_event.button == 1: mouse_pos = input_event.pos dpad_rect = self.dpad["rect"] if dpad_rect["up"].collidepoint(mouse_pos): button = buttons.UP elif dpad_rect["down"].collidepoint(mouse_pos): button = buttons.DOWN elif dpad_rect["left"].collidepoint(mouse_pos): button = buttons.LEFT elif dpad_rect["right"].collidepoint(mouse_pos): button = buttons.RIGHT elif self.a_button["rect"].collidepoint(mouse_pos): button = buttons.A elif self.b_button["rect"].collidepoint(mouse_pos): button = buttons.B if pressed and button: elif released: for button in self.buttons: self.release(button)
[docs] def load(self) -> None: """Load the touch overlay attributes.""" from tuxemon import prepare self.dpad["surface"] = graphics.load_and_scale("gfx/d-pad.png") self.dpad["position"] = ( 0, prepare.SCREEN_SIZE[1] - self.dpad["surface"].get_height(), ) # Create the collision rectangle objects for the dpad so we can see # if we're pressing a button up = Rect( self.dpad["position"][0] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_width() / 3), self.dpad["position"][1], # Rectangle position_y self.dpad["surface"].get_width() / 3, # Rectangle size_x self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 2, ) down = Rect( self.dpad["position"][0] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_width() / 3), self.dpad["position"][1] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 2), self.dpad["surface"].get_width() / 3, self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 2, ) left = Rect( self.dpad["position"][0], self.dpad["position"][1] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 3), self.dpad["surface"].get_width() / 2, self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 3, ) right = Rect( self.dpad["position"][0] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_width() / 2), self.dpad["position"][1] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 3), self.dpad["surface"].get_width() / 2, self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 3, ) self.dpad["rect"] = { "up": up, "down": down, "left": left, "right": right, } # Create the buttons self.a_button["surface"] = graphics.load_and_scale("gfx/a-button.png") self.a_button["position"] = ( prepare.SCREEN_SIZE[0] - int(self.a_button["surface"].get_width() * 1.0), int( self.dpad["position"][1] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 2) - (self.a_button["surface"].get_height() / 2) ), ) self.a_button["rect"] = Rect( self.a_button["position"][0], self.a_button["position"][1], self.a_button["surface"].get_width(), self.a_button["surface"].get_height(), ) self.b_button["surface"] = graphics.load_and_scale("gfx/b-button.png") self.b_button["position"] = ( prepare.SCREEN_SIZE[0] - int(self.b_button["surface"].get_width() * 2.1), int( self.dpad["position"][1] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 2) - (self.b_button["surface"].get_height() / 2) ), ) self.b_button["rect"] = Rect( self.b_button["position"][0], self.b_button["position"][1], self.b_button["surface"].get_width(), self.b_button["surface"].get_height(), )
[docs] def draw(self, screen: pygame.surface.Surface) -> None: """ Draws the controller overlay to the screen. Parameters: screen: Screen surface to draw onto. """ blit_alpha( screen, self.dpad["surface"], self.dpad["position"], self.transparency, ) blit_alpha( screen, self.a_button["surface"], self.a_button["position"], self.transparency, ) blit_alpha( screen, self.b_button["surface"], self.b_button["position"], self.transparency, )
[docs]class PygameMouseInput(PygameEventHandler): """ Mouse event handler. Parameters: event_map: Mapping of original identifiers to button identifiers. """ default_input_map = { pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: buttons.MOUSELEFT, pg.MOUSEBUTTONUP: buttons.MOUSELEFT, }
[docs] def process_event(self, pg_event: pygame.event.Event) -> None: if pg_event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:, pg_event.pos) elif pg_event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONUP: self.release(buttons.MOUSELEFT)