Source code for tuxemon.locale

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
# Copyright (c) 2014-2023 William Edwards <>, Benjamin Bean <>
from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
import gettext
import logging
import os
import os.path
from typing import (

from babel.messages.mofile import write_mo
from babel.messages.pofile import read_po

from tuxemon import prepare
from tuxemon.constants import paths
from tuxemon.formula import convert_km, convert_mi
from tuxemon.session import Session

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, order=True) class LocaleInfo: """Information about a locale.""" locale: str category: str domain: str path: str
[docs]class TranslatorPo: """ gettext-based translator class. po files are read and compiled into mo files by gettext. the mo files are saved in ~/.tuxemon/cache/l18n. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.translate: Callable[[str], str] = lambda x: x
[docs] @staticmethod def search_locales() -> Generator[LocaleInfo, None, None]: """ Search local folder and return LocaleInfo objects. Yields: The information of each locale. """ logger.debug("searching locales...") root = prepare.fetch("l18n") for locale in os.listdir(root): locale_path = os.path.join(root, locale) if os.path.isdir(locale_path): for category in os.listdir(locale_path): category_path = os.path.join(locale_path, category) if os.path.isdir(category_path): for name in os.listdir(category_path): path = os.path.join(category_path, name) if os.path.isfile(path) and name.endswith(".po"): domain = name[:-3] info = LocaleInfo( locale, category, domain, path, ) logger.debug("found: %s", info) yield info
[docs] def collect_languages(self, recompile_translations: bool = False) -> None: """ Collect languages/locales with available translation files. Parameters: recompile_translations: ``True`` if the translations should be recompiled (useful for testing local changes to the translations). """ self.build_translations(recompile_translations) self.load_translator(prepare.CONFIG.locale)
[docs] def build_translations(self, recompile_translations: bool = False) -> None: """ Create MO files for existing PO translation files. Parameters: recompile_translations: ``True`` if the translations should be recompiled (useful for testing local changes to the translations). """ # l18n/locale/LC_category/ cache = os.path.join(paths.CACHE_DIR, "l18n") for info in self.search_locales(): mo_path = os.path.join( cache, info.locale, info.category, info.domain + ".mo", ) if recompile_translations or not os.path.exists(mo_path): self.compile_gettext(info.path, mo_path)
[docs] @staticmethod def compile_gettext(po_path: str, mo_path: str) -> None: """ Compile po file into mo file. Parameters: po_path: Path of the po file. mo_path: Path of the mo file. """ mofolder = os.path.dirname(mo_path) os.makedirs(mofolder, exist_ok=True) with open(po_path, encoding="UTF8") as po_file: catalog = read_po(po_file) with open(mo_path, "wb") as mo_file: write_mo(mo_file, catalog) logger.debug("writing l18n mo: %s", mo_path)
[docs] def load_translator( self, locale_name: str = "en_US", domain: str = "base", ) -> None: """ Load a selected locale for translation. Parameters: locale_name: Name of the locale. domain: Name of the domain. """ logger.debug("loading translator for: %s", locale_name) localedir = os.path.join(paths.CACHE_DIR, "l18n") fallback = gettext.translation("base", localedir, [FALLBACK_LOCALE]) for info in self.search_locales(): if info.locale == locale_name and info.domain == domain: trans = gettext.translation( info.domain, localedir, [locale_name], ) trans.add_fallback(fallback) break else: logger.warning("Locale %s not found. Using fallback.", locale_name) trans = fallback trans.install() self.translate = trans.gettext
[docs] def format( self, text: str, parameters: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, ) -> str: """ Replaces variables in a translation string with the given parameters. Parameters: text: String to format. parameters: Parameters to format into the string. Returns: The formatted string. """ text = text.replace(r"\n", "\n") text = self.translate(text) if parameters: text = text.format(**parameters) return text
[docs] def maybe_translate(self, text: Optional[str]) -> str: """ Try to translate the text. If ``None``, return empty string. Parameters: text: String to translate. Returns: Translated string. """ if text is None: return "" else: return self.translate(text)
[docs]def replace_text(session: Session, text: str) -> str: """ Replaces ``${{var}}`` tiled variables with their in-session value. Parameters: session: Session containing the information to fill the variables. text: Text whose references to variables should be substituted. Examples: >>> replace_text(session, "${{name}} is running away!") 'Red is running away!' """ player = session.player client = session.client text = text.replace("${{name}}", text = text.replace("${{currency}}", "$") text = text.replace(r"\n", "\n") text = text.replace("${{money}}", str(["player"])) # distance (metric / imperial) if player.game_variables["unit_measure"] == "Metric": text = text.replace("${{length}}", "km") text = text.replace("${{weight}}", "kg") text = text.replace("${{height}}", "cm") text = text.replace( "${{steps}}", str(convert_km(player.game_variables["steps"])), ) else: text = text.replace("${{length}}", "mi") text = text.replace("${{weight}}", "lb") text = text.replace("${{height}}", "ft") text = text.replace( "${{steps}}", str(convert_mi(player.game_variables["steps"])), ) # maps text = text.replace("${{map_name}}", client.map_name) text = text.replace("${{map_desc}}", client.map_desc) text = text.replace("${{north}}", client.map_north) text = text.replace("${{south}}", client.map_south) text = text.replace("${{east}}", client.map_east) text = text.replace("${{west}}", client.map_west) for i in range(len(player.monsters)): monster = player.monsters[i] text = text.replace("${{monster_" + str(i) + "_name}}", text = text.replace( "${{monster_" + str(i) + "_desc}}", monster.description, ) text = text.replace("${{monster_" + str(i) + "_type}}", monster.slug) text = text.replace( "${{monster_" + str(i) + "_category}}", monster.category, ) text = text.replace("${{monster_" + str(i) + "_shape}}", monster.shape) text = text.replace( "${{monster_" + str(i) + "_hp}}", str(monster.current_hp), ) text = text.replace( "${{monster_" + str(i) + "_hp_max}}", str(monster.hp), ) text = text.replace( "${{monster_" + str(i) + "_level}}", str(monster.level), ) return text
[docs]def process_translate_text( session: Session, text_slug: str, parameters: Iterable[str], ) -> Sequence[str]: """ Translate a dialog to a sequence of pages of text. Parameters: session: Session containing the information to fill the variables. text_slug: Text to translate. parameters: A sequence of parameters in the format ``"key=value"`` used to format the string. """ replace_values = {} # extract INI-style params for param in parameters: key, value = param.split("=") # TODO: is this code still valid? Translator class is NOT iterable """ # Check to see if param_value is translatable if value in translator: value = trans(value) """ # match special placeholders like ${{name}} replace_values[key] = replace_text(session, value) # generate translation text = T.format(text_slug, replace_values) # clear the terminal end-line symbol (multi-line translation records) text = text.rstrip("\n") # split text into pages for scrolling pages = text.split("\n") # generate scrollable text return [replace_text(session, page) for page in pages]
T = TranslatorPo()