Source code for tuxemon.item.itemeffect

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
# Copyright (c) 2014-2023 William Edwards <>, Benjamin Bean <>
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, ClassVar, TypedDict, Union

from tuxemon.session import Session, local_session
from import cast_dataclass_parameters

    from tuxemon.item.item import Item
    from import Monster

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ItemEffectResult(TypedDict): success: bool num_shakes: int extra: Union[str, None]
[docs]@dataclass class ItemEffect: """ItemEffects are executed by items. ItemEffect subclasses implement "effects" defined in Tuxemon items. All subclasses, at minimum, must implement the following: * The ItemEffect.apply() method * A meaningful name, which must match the name in item file effects By populating the "valid_parameters" class attribute, subclasses will be assigned a "parameters" instance attribute that holds the parameters passed to the action in the item file. It is also used to check the syntax of effects, by verifying the correct type and number of parameters passed. Parameters ========== Tuxemon supports type-checking of the parameters defined in the items. valid_parameters may be the following format (may change): (type, name) * the type may be any valid python type, or even a python class or function * type may be a single type, or a tuple of types * type, if a tuple, may include None to indicate the parameter is optional * name must be a valid python string After parsing the parameters of the Item, the parameter's value will be passed to the type constructor. Example types: str, int, float, Monster, NPC (int, "duration") => duration must be an int ((int, float), "duration") => can be an int or float ((int, float, None), "duration") => is optional (Monster, "monster_slug") => a Monster instance will be created """ name: ClassVar[str] session: Session = field(init=False, repr=False) def __post_init__(self) -> None: self.session = local_session self.user = local_session.player cast_dataclass_parameters(self)
[docs] def apply( self, item: Item, target: Union[Monster, None] ) -> ItemEffectResult: return {"success": True, "num_shakes": 0, "extra": None}