Source code for

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
# Copyright (c) 2014-2023 William Edwards <>, Benjamin Bean <>

General "tools" code for pygame graphics operations that don't
have a home in any specific place.

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import re
from typing import (

import pygame
from pytmx.pytmx import TileFlags
from pytmx.util_pygame import handle_transformation, smart_convert

from tuxemon import prepare
from tuxemon.session import Session
from tuxemon.sprite import Sprite
from tuxemon.surfanim import SurfaceAnimation
from import scale_sequence, transform_resource_filename

    from tuxemon.client import LocalPygameClient

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ColorLike = Union[
    Tuple[int, int, int],
    Tuple[int, int, int, int],

[docs]class LoaderProtocol(Protocol): def __call__( self, rect: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int, int]] = None, flags: Optional[TileFlags] = None, ) -> pygame.surface.Surface: pass
[docs]def strip_from_sheet( sheet: pygame.surface.Surface, start: Tuple[int, int], size: Tuple[int, int], columns: int, rows: int = 1, ) -> Sequence[pygame.surface.Surface]: """ Strips individual frames from a sprite sheet. Parameters: sheet: Sprite sheet. start: Start location in the sheet. size: Size of the sprite. columns: Number of columns. rows: Number of rows. Returns: Sequence of stripped frames. """ frames = [] for j in range(rows): for i in range(columns): location = (start[0] + size[0] * i, start[1] + size[1] * j) frames.append(sheet.subsurface(pygame.rect.Rect(location, size))) return frames
[docs]def strip_coords_from_sheet( sheet: pygame.surface.Surface, coords: Sequence[Tuple[int, int]], size: Tuple[int, int], ) -> Sequence[pygame.surface.Surface]: """ Strip specific coordinates from a sprite sheet. Parameters: sheet: Sprite sheet. coords: Locations in the sheet. size: Size of the sprite. Returns: Sequence of stripped frames. """ frames = [] for coord in coords: location = (coord[0] * size[0], coord[1] * size[1]) frames.append(sheet.subsurface(pygame.rect.Rect(location, size))) return frames
[docs]def cursor_from_image(image: pygame.surface.Surface) -> Sequence[str]: """Take a valid image and create a mouse cursor.""" colors = {(0, 0, 0, 255): "X", (255, 255, 255, 255): "."} rect = image.get_rect() icon_string = [] for j in range(rect.height): this_row = [] for i in range(rect.width): pixel = tuple(image.get_at((i, j))) this_row.append(colors.get(pixel, " ")) icon_string.append("".join(this_row)) return icon_string
[docs]def load_and_scale(filename: str) -> pygame.surface.Surface: """ Load an image and scale it according to game settings. * Filename will be transformed to be loaded from game resource folder * Will be converted if needed * Scale factor will match game setting Parameters: filename: Path of the image file. Returns: Loaded and scaled image. """ return scale_surface(load_image(filename), prepare.SCALE)
[docs]def load_image(filename: str) -> pygame.surface.Surface: """Load image from the resources folder * Filename will be transformed to be loaded from game resource folder * Will be converted if needed. This is a "smart" loader, and will convert files in the best way, but is slightly slower than just loading. Its important that this is not called too often (like once per draw!) Parameters: filename: Path of the image file. Returns: Loaded image. """ filename = transform_resource_filename(filename) return smart_convert(pygame.image.load(filename), None, True)
[docs]def load_sprite( filename: str, **rect_kwargs: Any, ) -> Sprite: """ Load an image from disk and return a sprite. Image name will be transformed and converted. Rect attribute will be set. Any keyword arguments will be passed to the get_rect method of the image for positioning the rect. Parameters: filename: Filename to load. rect_kwargs: Parameters for ``get_rect``. Returns: Loaded sprite. """ sprite = Sprite(image=load_and_scale(filename)) sprite.rect = sprite.image.get_rect(**rect_kwargs) return sprite
[docs]def load_animated_sprite( filenames: Iterable[str], delay: float, ) -> Sprite: """ Load a set of images and return an animated sprite. Image name will be transformed and converted. Rect attribute will be set. Any keyword arguments will be passed to the get_rect method of the image for positioning the rect. Parameters: filenames: Filenames to load. delay: Frame interval; time between each frame. Returns: Loaded animated sprite. """ anim = [] for filename in filenames: if os.path.exists(filename): image = load_and_scale(filename) anim.append((image, delay)) tech = SurfaceAnimation(anim, True) return Sprite(animation=tech)
[docs]def scale_surface( surface: pygame.surface.Surface, factor: float, ) -> pygame.surface.Surface: """Scale a surface. Just a shortcut.""" return pygame.transform.scale( surface, [int(i * factor) for i in surface.get_size()], )
[docs]def load_frames_files( directory: str, name: str, ) -> Generator[pygame.surface.Surface, None, None]: """ Load frames from filenames. For example, water00.png, water01.png, water03.png. Parameters: directory: Directory where the frames are located. name: Name of the animation (common prefix of the frames). Yields: Loaded and scaled frames. """ for filename in animation_frame_files(directory, name): yield load_and_scale(filename)
[docs]def animation_frame_files( directory: str, name: str, ) -> Sequence[str]: r""" Return list of filenames from directory for use in animation. * each filename will have the format: animation_name[0-9]*\..* * will be returned in sorted order For example, water00.png, water01.png, water02.png. Parameters: directory: Directory where the frames are located. name: Name of the animation (common prefix of the frames). Returns: Sequence of filenames. """ frames = list() pattern = re.compile(rf"{name}\.?_?[0-9]+\.png") # might be slow on large folders for filename in os.listdir(directory): if pattern.match(filename): frames.append(os.path.join(directory, filename)) frames.sort() return frames
[docs]def create_animation( frames: Iterable[pygame.surface.Surface], duration: float, loop: bool, ) -> SurfaceAnimation: """ Create animation from frames, a list of surfaces. Parameters: frames: Surfaces used to create the animation. duration: Duration in seconds. loop: Whether the animation should loop or not. Returns: Created animation. """ data = [(f, duration) for f in frames] animation = SurfaceAnimation(data, loop=loop) return animation
[docs]def load_animation_from_frames( directory: str, name: str, duration: float, loop: bool = False, ) -> SurfaceAnimation: """ Load animation from a collection of frame files. Parameters: directory: Directory where the frames are located. name: Name of the animation (common prefix of the frames). duration: Duration in seconds. loop: Whether the animation should loop or not. Returns: Created animation. """ frames = load_frames_files(directory, name) return create_animation(frames, duration, loop)
[docs]def scale_tile( surface: pygame.surface.Surface, tile_size: int, ) -> pygame.surface.Surface: """ Scales a map tile based on resolution. Parameters: surface: Surface to rescale. tile_size: Desired size. Returns: The rescaled surface. """ if type(surface) is pygame.Surface: surface = pygame.transform.scale(surface, tile_size) else: surface.scale(tile_size) return surface
[docs]def scale_sprite( sprite: Sprite, ratio: float, ) -> None: """ Scale a sprite's image in place. Parameters: sprite: Sprite to rescale. ratio: Amount to scale by. """ center = sprite.rect.width = int(sprite.rect.width * ratio) sprite.rect.height = int(sprite.rect.height * ratio) = center assert sprite._original_image sprite._original_image = pygame.transform.scale( sprite._original_image, sprite.rect.size, ) sprite._needs_update = True
[docs]def convert_alpha_to_colorkey( surface: pygame.surface.Surface, colorkey: ColorLike = (255, 0, 255), ) -> pygame.surface.Surface: """ Convert image with per-pixel alpha to normal surface with colorkey. This is a crude hack that only works well with images that do not have alpha blended antialiased edges. Using this function on such images will result in discoloration of edges. Parameters: surface: Image with per-pixel alpha. colorkey: Colorkey to use for transparency. Returns: New surface with colorkey. """ image = pygame.Surface(surface.get_size()) image.fill(colorkey) image.set_colorkey(colorkey) image.blit(surface, (0, 0)) return image
[docs]def scaled_image_loader( filename: str, colorkey: Optional[str], *, pixelalpha: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> LoaderProtocol: """ Pytmx image loader for pygame. Modified to load images at a scaled size. Parameters: filename: Path of the image. colorkey: Hex values of the transparency color. pixelalpha: Whether to use per-pixel alpha transparency or not. kwargs: Ignored parameters passed in the loader. Returns: The loader to use. """ colorkey_color = pygame.Color(f"#{colorkey}") if colorkey else None # load the tileset image image = pygame.image.load(filename) # scale the tileset image to match game scale scaled_size = scale_sequence(image.get_size()) image = pygame.transform.scale(image, scaled_size) def load_image( rect: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int, int]] = None, flags: Optional[TileFlags] = None, ) -> pygame.surface.Surface: if rect: # scale the rect to match the scaled image rect = scale_sequence(rect) try: tile = image.subsurface(rect) except ValueError: logger.error("Tile bounds outside bounds of tileset image") raise else: tile = image.copy() if flags: tile = handle_transformation(tile, flags) tile = smart_convert(tile, colorkey_color, pixelalpha) return tile return load_image
[docs]def capture_screenshot(game: LocalPygameClient) -> pygame.surface.Surface: """ Capture a screenshot of the current map. Parameters: game: The game object. Returns: The captured screenshot. """ from import WorldState screenshot = pygame.Surface(game.screen.get_size()) world = game.get_state_by_name(WorldState) world.draw(screenshot) return screenshot
[docs]def get_avatar( session: Session, avatar: str, ) -> Optional[Sprite]: """ Gets the avatar sprite of a monster or NPC. Used to parse the string values for dialog event actions. If avatar is a number, we're referring to a monster slot in the player's party. If avatar is a string, we're referring to a monster by name. TODO: If the monster name isn't found, we're referring to an NPC on the map. Parameters: session: Game session. avatar: The identifier of the avatar to be used. Returns: The surface of the monster or NPC avatar sprite. """ # TODO: remove the need for this import from import Monster if avatar and avatar.isdigit(): try: player = session.player slot = int(avatar) return player.monsters[slot].get_sprite("menu") except IndexError: logger.debug("invalid avatar monster slot") return None else: try: # TODO: don't create a new monster just to load the sprite avatar_monster = Monster() avatar_monster.load_from_db(avatar) avatar_monster.flairs = {} # Don't use random flair graphics return avatar_monster.get_sprite("menu") except KeyError: logger.debug("invalid avatar monster name") return None