Source code for tuxemon.fusion

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
# Copyright (c) 2014-2023 William Edwards <>, Benjamin Bean <>
# fusion Module to fuse the face and body of two sprites.
#               Based on Pokemon Fusion by Alex Onsager

# Note: this script, in its current state, is non-functional and the Tuxemon selected here
# serve only as examples of potential fusions.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Tuple

    from PIL import Image
except ImportError:
    Image = Any
import json

[docs]class Body: """ A class that holds data for use with fusing two sprites together. Example: Two Tuxemon can be fused by joining the face of one with the body of another. >>> sapsnap = Body() >>> # Load the sprite data from a json file >>> sapsnap.load('fusion/Sapsnap.json') >>> >>> vivitron = Body() >>> # Load the sprite data from a json file >>> vivitron.load('fusion/Vivitron.json') >>> >>> # Fuse the sprites. >>> fuse(body=sapsnap, face=vivitron) >>> fuse(body=vivitron, face=sapsnap) """ face_image: Image body_image: Image def __init__(self) -> None: # Name properties self.prefix = "" # A name prefix to use when fusing sprites self.suffix = "" # A name suffix to use when fusing sprites # The full name of the sprite when you concat prefix + suffix = "" # Face Properties self.face_image_path = "" # The path to the face image to use. # The face size can be automatically obtained through # self.get_face_size() self.face_size = (0, 0) # The head size differs from the face size to take beaks, # etc. into account. self.head_size = (0, 0) # The center of the face. self.face_center = (0, 0) # Body properties # The path to the body image to use. self.body_image_path = "" # The center of the face on the body. self.face_position = (0, 0) # Colors self.primary_colors = [ (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), ] # 5 primary colors of the sprite self.secondary_colors = [ (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), ] # 5 secondary colors of the sprite self.tertiary_colors = [ (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), ] # 5 tertiary colors of the sprite
[docs] def get_face_size(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Obtains the size of the face image in pixels. It also sets the instance's face_size to the returned value. Returns: A tuple (x, y) of the face size in pixels. """ img = self.face_image img = img.convert("RGBA") self.face_size = img.getdata().size return self.face_size
[docs] def to_json(self) -> str: """ Converts the current instance to a dictionary and converts it to json. Returns: A json string of the current instance. """ body_dict = self.__dict__ del body_dict["body_image"] del body_dict["face_image"] return json.dumps(body_dict)
[docs] def save(self, filename: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Saves the current instance and all its properties to a json file. Parameters: filename: The path to the file to save. """ if not filename: filename = "fusion/%s.json" % output = self.to_json() with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(output)
[docs] def load(self, json_data: str, file: bool = True) -> None: """ Loads and sets all the properties to the properties in a json. Parameters: json_data: The string of json text or the file path to a json file to load. file: True or false value of whether or not "json_data" is a file path. Example: >>> sapsnap = Body() >>> sapsnap.load('fusion/Sapsnap.json') """ # If "file" is set to true, then assume that json_data is a path to a # file containing json. if file: with open(json_data) as f: json_data = "".join(f.readlines()) # Load the json data and convert it to a dictionary. body_dict = json.loads(json_data) # Set the name from the json data self.prefix = body_dict["prefix"] self.suffix = body_dict["suffix"] = body_dict["name"] # Set the face properties from the json data self.face_image_path = body_dict["face_image_path"] self.face_size = body_dict["face_size"] self.head_size = body_dict["head_size"] self.face_center = body_dict["face_center"] # Set the body properties from the json data self.body_image_path = body_dict["body_image_path"] self.face_position = body_dict["face_position"] # Set the _color properties from the json data self.primary_colors = body_dict["primary_colors"] self.secondary_colors = body_dict["secondary_colors"] self.tertiary_colors = body_dict["tertiary_colors"] # Load the image files. self.body_image = self.face_image =
[docs] def get_state(self) -> Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]: if return self.__dict__ return None
[docs] def set_state(self, save_data: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) -> None: # TODO: There's no point optimising this until Body is actually used. if save_data: for attr, value in save_data.items(): setattr(self, attr, value)
[docs]def replace_color( image: Image, original_color: Tuple[int, int, int], replacement_color: Tuple[int, int, int], ) -> Image: """ Replaces an RGB color in an image with a different RGB _color. Parameters: image: A PIL Image() object of the image to replace colors. original_color: A tuple of the RGB (r, g, b) value of the color to replace. replacement_color: A tuple of the RGB (r, g, b) value of the new color. Returns: A PIL Image() object of the image with the given colors replaced. """ img = image.convert("RGBA") datas = img.getdata() r = original_color[0] g = original_color[1] b = original_color[2] new_r = replacement_color[0] new_g = replacement_color[1] new_b = replacement_color[2] newData = [] for item in datas: if item[0] == r and item[1] == g and item[2] == b: newData.append((new_r, new_g, new_b, 255)) else: newData.append(item) img.putdata(newData) return img
[docs]def fuse( body: Body, face: Body, save: bool = True, filename: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Image: """Fuses two sprites together given a body and a face. The resulting body will take on the colors of the face. Parameters: body: A Body() instance of the body that will be used in the end result. face: A Body() instance of the face that will be used in the end result. save: True or false value of whether or not to save the resulting fusion to a file. filename: If saving the result, specify the filename to save the resulting image. Returns: A PIL Image() object of the fused sprites. Example: >>> sapsnap = Body() >>> sapsnap.load('fusion/Sapsnap.json') >>> >>> vivitron = Body() >>> vivitron.load('fusion/Vivitron.json') >>> >>> # Fuse the sprites. >>> fuse(body=sapsnap, face=vivitron) >>> fuse(body=vivitron, face=sapsnap) """ # Create a working copy of the body image so we don't alter the # original sprite. body_image = body.body_image.copy() # Replace the _color of the body with the colors of the face. for i, _ in enumerate(body.primary_colors): body_image = replace_color( body_image, body.primary_colors[i], face.primary_colors[i], ) body_image = replace_color( body_image, body.secondary_colors[i], face.secondary_colors[i], ) body_image = replace_color( body_image, body.tertiary_colors[i], face.tertiary_colors[i], ) # Set a scale for the images so we can resize them. # Scaling results in a better image result. scale = 4 # Scale the images body_image = body_image.resize( ( body_image.getdata().size[0] * scale, body_image.getdata().size[1] * scale, ) ) face.face_image = face.face_image.resize( ( face.face_image.getdata().size[0] * scale, face.face_image.getdata().size[1] * scale, ) ) # Update face size after we've performed our scaling. face.face_size = ( face.face_image.getdata().size[0], face.face_image.getdata().size[1], ) # Scale the new face position. body.face_position = ( ((body.face_position[0] - 1) * scale) + 1, ((body.face_position[1] - 1) * scale) + 1, ) # Compare the head size of the body and the face so we can scale # the face to fit the body. ratio_x = float(body.head_size[0]) / float(face.head_size[0]) ratio_y = float(body.head_size[1]) / float(face.head_size[1]) # Resize the head in ratio with the head size of the body new_size = ( int(face.face_image.getdata().size[0] * ratio_x), int(face.face_image.getdata().size[1] * ratio_y), ) face.face_image = face.face_image.resize(new_size) face.face_size = ( face.face_image.getdata().size[0], face.face_image.getdata().size[1], ) # Paste the face onto the body position = ( body.face_position[0] - (face.face_size[0] / 2), body.face_position[1] - (face.face_size[1] / 2), ) body_image.paste(face.face_image, position, face.face_image) # For some reason this looks really good. # Scale the image back down using Image.ANTIALIAS x = body_image.getdata().size[0] / (scale / 2) y = body_image.getdata().size[1] / (scale / 2) newsize = (x, y) body_image = body_image.resize(newsize, Image.ANTIALIAS) # Scale the image down further to its original size without ANTIALIAS x /= scale / 2 y /= scale / 2 newsize = (x, y) body_image = body_image.resize(newsize) # Save the resulting image if save: if not filename: filename = f"fusion/{body.prefix}{face.suffix}.png" return body_image