Source code for scripts.modify_json

""" modify_json

This script allows the user to add or change a certain value to all json files included in a folder.
This is done by taking a folder filled with json files, and creating a new folder at a target
location filled with the new json files. The changes or not directly done to the original folder
to ensure that we do not lose any data.

All the json files are converted and handled as dictionaries.

The script is run through the command line and has 4 parameters:

input_folder: The folder that contains the json files that you want to add or change values
output_folder: The folder that the changed json files will appear
variable_name: The name of the variable you want to introduce or change
variable_value: The value of the variable tou want to introduce or change

E.g. if we want to introduce the new catch_rate and give it the value 125 to all files I will run
python modify_json input_file output_file catch_rate 125
The new json files will be located at the output file


import os
import json
import sys

[docs]def json_to_dict(json_file): """Open a json file and loads it as a python dictionary Parameters ---------- json_file: file .json Returns -------- json_dict: dict """ with open(json_file) as f: json_dict = json.load(f) return json_dict
[docs]def save_dict(json_dict, output_file): """Writes the new value of the json file to the output_folder Parameters ---------- json_dict: dict output_file: file .json """ with open(output_file, 'w') as fp: json.dump(json_dict, fp, indent=4, sort_keys=False, default=str)
[docs]def modify_json(input_folder, output_folder, variable_name, variable_value): """Add or change a certain value to all json files included in a folder Parameters ---------- input_folder: String location of the folder containing the json files output_folder: String location of the folder we want to create the new json files variable_name: String The name of the variable we want to create variable_value: Float The value of the variable we want to create """ try: jsons = os.listdir(input_folder) except FileNotFoundError: print('Input file cannot be found or does not exist') sys.exit(1) if len(jsons) < 1: try: raise Exception() except Exception: print("Input directory is empty") sys.exit(1) else: # if the output_folder does not exist it is created via code if not os.path.exists(output_folder): os.mkdir(output_folder) for jfile in jsons: jfile_path = os.path.join(input_folder, jfile) jdict = json_to_dict(jfile_path) jdict[variable_name] = variable_value save_path = os.path.join(output_folder, jfile) save_dict(jdict, save_path) print('Folder <' + output_folder + '> was created')
if __name__ == '__main__': try: if len(sys.argv) != 5: raise Exception() except Exception: print('The number of arguments should be 4') sys.exit(1) input_folder = sys.argv[1] output_folder = sys.argv[2] variable_name = sys.argv[3] try: variable_value = float(sys.argv[4]) except ValueError: print("Argument number 4 should be a number") sys.exit(1) modify_json(input_folder, output_folder, variable_name, variable_value)